Inbound marketing is the direction most internet marketers are heading to drive business. Inbound marketing is all about creating killer content related to your business. By educating potential users on key topics related to your business, these target buyers learn about the company as they read good content.
Content Marketing Institute has a great article that describes how marketing will eventually fund the future of content. Professional content is still very critical and yet many print publishers are experiencing a great reduction in revenues as they move much of their business online.
At the same time, as content marketing is growing leaps and bounds, the demand for excellent content is growing dynamically. The article therefore predicted that many of the experienced editorial professionals would leave working for publications and move to content marketing employment within business marketing organizations.
The article gives three examples where business is generating significantly more revenue through inbound marketing than publishers do with advertising in weight loss, real estate and technology markets.
I believe CMI has made a very strong prediction here. Content marketing is a proven model and yet is still somewhat in its infancy. As only the leading publications will probably survive the complete transition to digital, a very talented group of individuals will become available to work in this new field of content marketing. These professional editors have the perfect background for creating targeted, current and useful content.
David Meerman Scott predicted this same to some extent a number of years ago in his book, The New Rules of Marketing & PR. He recommended hiring a journalist or reporter to write the content for what is now inbound marketing.
The marketing organizations that are smart enough to see the value of inbound marketing, and hire expert content creators, could well be the winners in the future in terms of driving significant business.